It was dark, rainy, and wet when I walked out of the office a little after 5 this evening. But that didn’t stop me from spotting a dime and a penny on the sidewalk in front of me. I had to look twice because it was so hard to see, but that was certainly 11¢ laying there.
I felt no shame as I bent down in my business casual work outfit to pick up what seems to most as worthless. And I felt no shame as my eyes darted around to see if there were more precious coins laying about in search of someone to love them. (I didn’t see any, but will pay close attention on my way into the office tomorrow when I have the light of day to aid my search.)
Why would a woman with a comfortable (though modest) income bother to pick up such a pittance? Because I’m cheap. Because I’m frugal. Because I hate waste. Because I like money. And – most importantly – because I can’t actually afford to go to graduate school so I need to save every penny I can. Even if it’s a penny scrounged from a puddle of water outside my office door.
Yay! I’m 11¢ closer to my £10,000+ tuition bill!
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Wee Guy is also encouraged to pick up coins (see a penny, pick it up.all this day you’ll have good luck). In a way he’s saving for his education too.