Happy things
It’s day two of Journaling July and I’m running out of time to journal. Worse, I don’t really have anything to journal about. So, I thought I’d look at the photos on my phone for inspiration. And that’s when I saw the folder “happy things” where I store photos of random things that make me smile.
So today, you get a list of happy things! And I’ll give you 31 of them since there are 31 days in Journaling July. Ready? Let’s go!
31 happy things (in no particular order)
- 13 cookies in a 12-cookie pack
- Googly eyes on statues (like in the photo with this story)
- Flowers growing in the middle of a rock wall
- Finding a pretty bottle of glitter nail polish on the sidewalk (losing it was probably sad for someone else though)
- Finding pretty pennies
- Postcards from friends
- Waking up feeling refreshed, moments before the alarm goes off
- Butterflies at the bus stop
- Free nibbles at the pub
- Freshly laundered bed linens
- New pyjamas
- Sock monkeys
- Stray cats that come to say hello
- Hand-written letters
- Smiles from strangers
- Random conversations with nice people
- Finding a cute dress on the clearance rack – in your size!
- Finding random lovelies
- Running a faster time than expected
- Parades!
- Cocktails with friends
- The laughter of children
- My own laughter!
- Sunny days
- Walking barefoot in the grass (don’t mention what the dogs do!)
- Relaxing soaks in the tub
- Vintage handbags
- Coffee!
- Site-seeing with friends
- Skype chats with my Mommy
- Happy dreams
How about you? What random things make you happy?
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