Aprons, fabric, and love
I started Valentine’s Day yesterday by opening up a lovely box that was filled to the brim with love. It wasn’t a box of chocolate from a romantic interest; it wasn’t even from a romantic interest at all. (There isn’t one yet. But who knows what tomorrow will bring!) In fact, it wasn’t even a Valentine’s gift. Still, I could feel the love flowing out of the box before I even opened it!
The box was sent from my cousin, Genie, and was filled with all sorts of things to help me get started with my sewing, as well as things that Genie had sewn. I know that might not sound like love to you, but knowing that someone nearly 6,000 miles away has taken the time to gather up lovely things to send to me makes me feel much loved, indeed!
One of the items inside of the box was a really fabulous sock monkey apron. It’s not something I’ve talked about here, but I really do love aprons! They’re a bit old fashioned (and actually, I like the vintage ones best!) but there’s something nice about wearing a pretty apron whilst I’m spending the day cooking up a storm. It makes me feel as if I’m appropriately dressed for the task at hand. (So when my late-husband gave me a vintage 1950s hostess apron on our last Christmas together, I was thrilled, not insulted as some wives may have been.)
Also in the box was a stack of lovely fabrics – from fun and whimsical to calico prints, there was a little bit of everything. And there were a couple of fantastic fabric pencils, too. (Which I have been meaning to buy, so that’s a few quid back in my piggy bank!)

Importantly, there was also a stack of patterns so that I can actually attempt at making something! And there were even Genie-made samples of the coin purse and pillowcase patterns. (That will make it easier to understand the patterns, I think.)
Oh! And I can’t forget the thimble that Genie included. That especially made me smile because I have been a thimble collector since I was 7 or 8 years old.
Yes, this box was just oozing love!
(Thank you, Genie. You’ve made my heart very happy with your kindness!)
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Wow! That’s quite a nice package you received from Genie. I love those fabrics, especially the green and blue in the front. I hope you have lots of fun playing with your new toys. Thank you, Genie, for making my girl so very happy!
It really is a lovely lot of fabric! That one in front might make a great front side for the handbag pattern Genie sent. Maybe with Elvis on the back side? (Photos to follow of whatever I manage to make!)
It was fun to put stuff together and I love making one of a kind things for friends and family. I’m glad you liked everything, but I knew you would. Apart from your delightful accent you’ve acquired, I feel we have kindred interests and unique ways of coloring outside the lines…so be sure to take pictures as you progress into the world of sewing and letting your spirit move you! I had many cousins as a kid, all gone now – so I love having this connection with you- even if it’s just through marriage.
Carry on, lassie!
I love how everyone back home thinks I have a Scottish or British accent – but everyone here thinks I sound like an American redneck! To me, I just sound like me.
I will certainly take photos of my sewing projects – even the ones I deem to be failures! The next few weekends are filled with family and friends around Scotland and England, so I won’t be sewing much at all. But I’ll see if I can pop into a charity shop or two on my travels so that I can find something to alter when I have a free weekend after mid-March. (Though I’d be happy to find something fantastic that doesn’t need to be altered, too!
As for cousins – by marriage or otherwise I’m just glad that you’re on the list of mine. I feel blessed to have so many wonderful cousins around the world! x