Picking beer
When I learned that Stewart Brewing was having a special beer tasting night, I knew it was a great excuse to make my way to the brewery. And that’s exactly what I did last night. (Despite suffering from a cold. That’s how dedicated I am to good beer!)
The evening was put together in collaboration with a new beverage magazine, Hot Rum Cow, to decide on a new brew named – you guessed it! – Hot Rum Cow. And, of course, as I strive to be an active, involved citizen, I just couldn’t resist the call to duty! (I’m not a drunk, really. I just like my drink!) I even invited a couple of friends to participate in this noble cause with me. (I’m sure it was a struggle for them!)
First up (after some beer, pretzels, and mingling, of course) was a tour of the facilities, which was great as I’d never toured a brewery before – just whisky distilleries, vineyards, and candy factories until now – but I admit I would have enjoyed it more if they’d been in full production. As it was, we just got to see the various (very pretty, very big!) stainless steel vats used in the beer-making process. But the beer-making process was explained as we walked around, which I found interesting. (I love learning new things!)
Of course, the best part of the evening (other than seeing my friends, of course) was the taste-tasting! In part because I enjoy nice beers, but also because I enjoy the special feeling of knowing that I had a part in the decision of which beer they’d use.
We were given two beers to vote on: “Beer A”, a rye IPA, and “Beer B”, a chilli stout. I must say, both were extremely nice brews!
Sadly, Beer A won the vote. Not Beer B, the one I voted for.
Now, I say sadly not because Beer A wasn’t nice, it was. And I am looking forward to enjoying it when it’s ready for the public this spring, it’s just that Beer B had a special kick to it.
So here’s my last-ditch effort for the survival (and production) of Beer B: Chilli Stout is a different, quirky kind of drink. It’s not something you’ll get everywhere, every day. In fact, it’s not even something I’d want everywhere or every day. But it deserves a place in the beer market because it was very nice and would be an amazing accompaniment for spicy tacos with a smattering of pico de gallo – or even with an amazing lamb biryani.
Yes, Beer B would be a wonderful beverage to enjoy with a spicy meal.
(Maybe Stewart Brewing and Lupe Pintos can have a chat about a special beer? Yes?)
Anyhow, it really was a great evening and I am so pleased to have been able to join in the fun. I’ve been enjoying Stewart’s beers for a few years now and I’ve yet to be disappointed. To that, I’d like to give a hearty and sincere recommendation to all of you to try their offerings.
(Please note that this entire review is my own honest opinion and has not been solicited, bought, or paid for in any way. I’m not that kind of blogger!)
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I had no idea that you had never been to a beer brewery for a tour before this. I have fond memories of my tour with Veronica at the old Olympia brewery. I loved their dark brew…the name and type escapes me since this was a really long time ago.
And the chili stout sounds interesting. Something that perhaps Javier would enjoy with his tacos and Royann’s pico?! Wonder if something similar is being made in Washington or Oregon?
There are a few chili beers and ales in the Pacific Northwest. Probably even lager-y ones which might be more Javier’s style. I’d be surprised if they couldn’t track something down. The best person to ask for (worthwhile) opinions on brands would be cousin Rick P. He’s a beer enthusiast and Tweets about all the lovely beers he enjoys in Seattle.