Geocaching goal in half the time!

My primary 2022 goal is to “seek answers, solutions, or improvement for life, the universe, and everything” – a goal set in part because 20+22=42. Because, as we know, 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. And so, it made sense to set 42 as my geocaching goal, too.

The decision for 42 geocaches was a practical decision based on my previous years’ caches – as well as the fact that it’s 2022 and 20+22=42. But I also decided I would try to average that out over the 12 months by finding 3-4 caches each month – a decision made thanks in part to my 2021 “accountability” goals. That way, I wouldn’t find myself needing 30 caches in December. (A nearly impossible feat.)

And now, I am pleased to say that I have managed my 42 geocaches for 2022! Yup, the 4 caches I found yesterday got me the win, meaning I can take it a bit easy now.

Only, I can’t really. That’s because I have a (good?) habit of moving the benchmarks when I get too close to a goal too early. And that is because I like to keep pushing myself.

Having initially challenged myself to find 3-4 caches a month in my quest for 42 caches this year, I have decided to carry on with a goal for at least 4 caches each of the next 6 months (July-December). That means that I will have at least 66 caches by the end of the year – and probably more than that!

See some of my “highlights” for this year’s geocaching fun (so far) below.

My Godson’s first foray into the game began in January.

A fun puzzle cache with my Godson and his Mum (my sister) in February.

My first geocache hide in April. (Although it’s not published yet.)

A day out with my friend, Harry, in May that resulted in 12 caches.

Caching around Washington State with my Dad in January/February and May/June (with another month to go!).

I’m looking forward to the next 6+ months of geocaching and am hopeful for a few notable finds. Stay tuned for my year-end goals update to find out how I manage!

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