Archive: 2021 Goals

Below is an archived page for my 2021 goals, with notations and links where appropriate. For my current goals (and a link to other archived goals) visit my primary goals page.

Overarching goals: The ABCs

A is for Accountability: I will hold myself accountable for completing tasks and projects within the timeframe that I set.

B is for Balance: I will find healthy boundaries between different elements of my life to be more motivated and disciplined.

C is for Calm: I will work to be more mindful and aware of my world both in terms of my own emotional and mental well-being to the physical environment in which I exist.

Read more about these primary goals here.

Read a narrative update on my successes and “failures” here.

Measurable goals

In addition to my overarching goals, I have a set of measurable goals and objectives that I will work on throughout the year. Whilst it may seem that these goals are unrelated to the ABCs, I believe that these goals will help to succeed in the ABCs and that the ABCs will help to achieve the goals below. (Yes, it’s all connected!)

Health and Fitness

Travel and Adventure

Professional Life

Personal Improvement and Skill Building

  • Get a UK driver’s licence [On hold]
  • Make a memory quilt from Paul’s old running t-shirts [Failure]
  • Read 12+ books for leisure [Failure]
  • Enjoy 12+ tech/digital-free days [Failure]


  • Find 75 geocaches [Failure]