Pick a card

I’m in clutter-clearing mode and today’s task is my stationery drawer. The drawer is well past its clear-out date, especially since it’s been difficult to close for nearly two years!

In the drawer are stacks and stacks of cards that I’ve owned for years and years but have no intention of ever using. There are also fantastic cards that I’ve acquired in recent years (and months and weeks) that get used quite quickly. And, of course, there is stationery – nice stuff that I use, as well as stuff I don’t use but I’ve had for years and just keep.

There are wax seals and gold sticker seals. There are wax sticks and matches. There are fun stickers and airmail stickers. And there are even stamps.

Of course, there is no point in packing these things up and taking them to Scotland with me if I won’t use them so I am getting ready to part with much of the stuff.

Of the 130+ cards, I am keeping about 30. And of those cards, I will probably use 10-15 before I move. (I’ll be buying more over the next few months for birthdays, too, but they get sent immediately.)

Of the stationery, I am keeping the parchment and cotton papers as well as my favourite hand-made papers. The stuff with embossed yellow roses and matching envelopes? Gone!

I’m keeping the wax and a couple of the wax seals as well as the gold seals, but will ditch most of the stickers. As for the stamps, well, I’ll be using most of them before I leave.

The rest of the stuff I’m giving to my foster daughter. I think she’ll like it and I know she’ll use it. Oh, and because I love to get mail, I will be giving her my UK address and a stack of international-use stamps so that she can write any time she wants!

The best part about this exercise in de-cluttering is that I’m now in letter-writing mode. As some of my friends may attest, I enjoy sending random cards and letters to the people I care about, because everyone likes to get mail that isn’t a bill.

And now a public service announcement: Write to your mother! Or your sister or father or brother or former teacher or even a long-lost friend you want to reconnect with. It will make you smile – and I bet it will make the recipient smile, too!

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