The loaner Jag
Words I never thought I’d say: “I drive a Jag”. But, thanks to the amazing generosity of my brother-in-law, I got to say them throughout my Homeland Holiday. Oh yes, I did!
You see, “back in the day” my dream car was a (green) Jaguar; a little piece of information that my baby sister seems to have remembered all of these years. So when she and her husband learned I would be coming home for a while, they were very eager to lend me their Jag. It’s a benefit to having a brother-in-law who’s an auto body guy: He just happens to have obtained a great deal on a not-pretty Jag that he then made pretty so that he could sell it for a profit. And he was kind enough to postpone his profit-making sale so that I could drive the rig! (Yeah, I’m spoiled like that!)
And let me just tell you: Driving a Jag in Upper Kittitas County turns heads! I don’t know how many people made comments about such a fancy car being driven “around here”. Some of the comments, I’m sure, were also meant to ask how “someone like me” came upon such a fancy ride. I mean, I really am more of a beat-up Ford kind of gal.
Of course, after two months of Jag driving, I have to say I was feeling rather spoilt. And now, after less than two weeks living back in Scotland without a car, I am appreciating Royann and Javier’s generosity even more! After all, public transportation is great and all, but when it takes you more than two hours to travel 35 miles, you start to realise how wonderful car ownership is!
So, here’s a belated thank you to both of them for loaning me such an awesome car, making it possible for me to travel at will during my holidays!
Oh! And for those who want to know, I put a total of 2,660 miles on the Jag and a total of $334.37 worth of gas in it during the two months. (Though the last 112 of those were driven by my niece, Virginia, who rather enjoyed the experience!)
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Dearest Frances I am so, so sorry that we didn’t get a chance to see each other while you were here. I hope your trip was wonderful. I am back online-ish so I will be “seeing” you soon.
I am sorry we never caught up, too. Things got a bit hectic whilst I was home and (despite being there much longer than planned!) I just didn’t get around to see everyone. I will look forward to catching up on my next visit though—and will look forward to seeing more Spoonful posts in the coming weeks, days, etc (when/if you’re up for blogging!).
Oh, and Royann: For some reason, your comment was deleted. I think it was administrator error (ahem!) so I am very sorry about that. But I love you, too! x