I went back and forth about what I should post today and for a brief moment, I even thought that I might not post at all. But then I remembered that I promised I’d post more – in part to prevent myself from withdrawing from society altogether. So, I’m posting about my toenails.
So, here’s the deal. I’m a runner. I’ve been a runner since I was in high school. And for years and years and years I had people tell me about how they’ve lost toenails from running too much. Apparently, it really is a problem with distance runners. But it was never a problem I had.
Until after I ran the Inaugural Homeland Half last May. Yep, a few weeks after that run, I lost a toenail – my pointer-finger equivalent on my right foot. Really. My toenail was so damaged that it lifted away and eventually fell off. It was so weird. I blamed it on the fact that I’d not trimmed my toenails before the run, rather than the distance I ran.
And then, I ran the Loch Ness Marathon. And after that, I noticed that the pointer-finger equivalent on my left foot was a bit loose – but unlike that first toenail, this one had a new nail growing underneath. Of course, at the time I had dark red nail polish, so didn’t also notice it was also slightly darker than normal. But when I took off the polish, I noticed that not only was that toenail dark, but my big toe on my right foot had a massive black spot on it, too.
Eventually, the nail on my left foot fell off, giving way to the new (but not yet completely formed) nail. But the big toenail on my right foot just sat there with its dark spot. And sat, and sat. Then, after a while, I noticed there was a ridge on top of the toenail which I soon filed down to even out the surface.
Now, there is a new toenail growing underneath, but the old toenail is still firmly attached. And this means that I have a dual-layer toenail on my big right toe. It seems that I have about ¼-inch of the old toenail to grow out before this rectifies itself. But as my toenails tend to grow very slowly, it might not be back to normal until my next marathon. This means I risk going through this whole toenail trauma all over again.
And that’s basically today’s post: An overshare about the condition of my toenails because of my running insanity. I guess the good side, however, is that (1) no one but me really sees my toenails; (2) my red polish habit masks any deformities; and (3) I’m not likely to talk about this topic again.
(Admit it: Sometimes you wish you never stopped by to see what I had to share!)
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As a bit of a trudger myself (never really been fast enough to be considered a runner) I can only share your pain.
I’m more of an ultra/adventure race person and as a result have been sans toenail quite regularly. This has lead me to spend a considerable part of my life in earnest and technical conversation about feet (as you can appreciate, my social life is quite a whirl!).
Anyway, there’s a book called Fixing Your Feet by a guy called John Vonhof, which you might find interesting. If only to prove that you can actually make a good living by writing about lost toenails and other foot related topics.
EIther way it’s nice to see you writing a bit more regularly again, regardless of the topic.
I’ve just had a quick nosey around the Fixing Your Feet website and may have to check out the guy’s blog a bit more, too. I don’t know that I’d pay the $14 he’s asking for the book. Well, at least not yet.
I did realise, however, that this isn’t the first time I’ve talked about foot-woes. I mentioned it back in November when I was first getting used to the idea of wearing girly shoes. So, maybe I actually should think about the book …