Whisky hearts

Normally, an empty whisky bottle means a cork without a job. But not today. No, today I decided to rescue the cork from my empty bottle of Glenmorangie and carve it up a bit with my pocket knife. (A tool that every good redneck always has on hand.)

I didn’t have any ink pads (sadly, my craft supplies couldn’t make the journey to Scotland with me) but I had some cheap markers that I thought would work as a pigment, and I think the results are a success.

OK, I know it’s a bit silly and childish, but it entertained me. And it means that I have a pretty little heart-shaped stamp to add to my slowly-growing craft box. I think I’ll save up a few more corks to make some other shapes, too – stars, dots, horseshoes, etc. I don’t know what I’ll do with them all, but they’ll be a bit of rainy day entertainment at the very least.

(Other ideas for cheap and easy craft ideas are always welcome!)

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6 Replies to “Whisky hearts”

  1. I love it! Another way for you to make your own decorated writing paper and/or greeting cards!

  2. I did this all the time with my kids when they were little. We rubber stamped large sheets of paper and used them for gift wrapping. At their elementary school, there was a kids craft fair where they could sell their creations. They sold these folded sheets of gift wrap for $1, along with their rainbow soap and other crafts they did. We all had a lot of fun. I recently ran across a box of the leftover soaps and I am trying to get them to now give them to their girlfrinds! And of course use them. Soap doesn’t go bad.

  3. What an awesome idea, you are so crafty…each one will be unique because of the corks natural flaws and what a great way to recycle!! I have some wine corks just begging for a job…another thing I am doing with mine is making a cork board by gluing them together inside a frame(just another idea for yours as well) 🙂

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