The travelling girls

My lovely nieces, Virginia and Krystyne, returned to America last Friday after their first-ever international adventure, and I think I am just about recovered from the non-stop excitement of their visit. And so, it’s time I share some photographic evidence of their time here in Scotland (along with a wee recap of their visit).

For the first week of their visit, the girls were guided around by yours truly. We really packed in a lot of adventuring in that first week – especially given the limited opening hours and bus services over Christmas! I could see that they were becoming more and more comfortable with their environment as the days when on though.

When I first mentioned the idea of sending them to Glasgow for some independent adventuring, the idea was met with caution and scepticism. But I encouraged them to think about it and after a few days, they finally cracked. (Maybe because they were keen on the adventure; maybe because they were keen to escape their aunt who was giving them a running historical commentary everywhere they went!) And so a couple of days after Christmas, they were sent off on an “independent study” of Glasgow.

Because they managed Glasgow with ease, we added a bit more independent adventuring for their last two days, in part so that I could return to the office when it re-opened in the New Year. But I think that the girls really enjoyed finding their way around Edinburgh without a guide. In fact, on their last day, they just started wandering without a plan. They knew just enough of the city’s layout that they managed the feat without fail!

I could see a great change in both girls’ attitudes from their first couple of days here and their last. I think they definitely found the trip to be enlightening and I am sure it broadened their views to at least some extent.

Of course, I hope that this wee taste of travel and adventure will spark a passion in their souls for even more travel and adventure. The world is such an amazing place to explore and I am excited for them to see as much of it as they can!

I didn’t manage to get nearly as many photos as the girls did, in part because I had been to most of the sights in the past (in some cases, many, many times in the past!). But I managed enough to give you a taste of what our two and a half weeks were like. And for those of you who are connected to me or the girls on Facebook, you need only check out my page to see all the photos that they tagged me in!

But for now, I must sign off so that I can get back to that PhD. After all, 2018 is the year to get it done!

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