A funny(ish) Frances

Like many people, I fancy myself a bit of a comedienne. I like to crack jokes and I regularly have episodes of SUBS syndrome that I just can’t control. I’m not suggesting that I am the funniest woman in the world, of course, it’s just that I can’t resist a (bad) joke. In fact, if it weren’t for bad jokes, I wouldn’t have any to tell!

Anyhow, I’ve had a few people mention to me that I ought to give Bright Club a try. Maybe it’s because they think I’d be a natural at stand-up comedy. Or maybe it’s because they think I’d be someone fun to laugh at. Either way, I signed up. And now that I have video evidence of the night, I thought I’d tell you all about it!

Bright Club, for the newly initiated, is “the thinking person’s variety club”. Or, essentially, an academic stand-up comedy club featuring funny academics from around the country. The Edinburgh Bright Club is held at The Stand Comedy Club in New Town. It’s a small club which was made even smaller by the night’s super-crowded, standing-room-only showing. (They weren’t all there to see me, I know.)

There were seven people in the line-up on my performance night, and each of us had about eight minutes to deliver a hilarious set. In hindsight, mine was maybe more “information” and less “comedy”, but that’s something I can work on for the next time. Because there will be a next time! (Well, assuming I am invited back!)

I’ll leave it there for now though, and will let you enjoy the hilarity of my act in my YouTube video below.

Thank you, thank you! You’ve been a wonderful audience!

[Photo and video copyright to Bright Club organisers, provided to me for full ownership on reproduction and distribution.]

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