A running start
I have a goal to run a race a month in 2012. It’s kind of an annual goal that Paul and I always attempted, but one that’s yet to be met; mostly because there always seems to be a race shortage. It’s one of the disadvantages of living in rural America. But this year, I’m in urban Scotland so I might have better luck attaining my goal!
Also this year, I have a new running partner who is going to attempt the goal with me. And we have the added advantage of Park Runs – timed races that take place in various communities around the UK. So in months when we can’t find a road race we want to do, we’ll supplement with the Park Runs. (Which is probably going to be our February race.)
Anyhow, today was the first race of the year: the Buchlyvie 10K (in Buchlyvie, Scotland). It was a relatively flat out-and-back course and (save for the rain) it was very scenic, too. But it was anything but easy. In fact, I’m going to rattle off a series of excuses to explain away my poor time:
- It was raining like mad!
- It was very cold.
- The headwinds were quite strong.
- The winds changed directions so there was a headwind on the return, too!
- The course was muddy, wet, rocky, and slippery.
- My knee was twinging for about half of the race.
- I spent last week very ill with a fever and headache.
But I suppose if I’m honest, I did poorly because I’ve not put in the training. And I’ve been eating junk food and sitting around the flat feeling sorry for myself lately – which means I’ve gotten a bit soft and gooey and flabby, too. So whilst the excuses above are all valid reasons for a slower-than-desired pace, I could have (should have!) done better – and would have if I’d been out training and eating healthier foods. Which, I guess, means that my slow pace is ultimately down to my own laziness. Must.Do.Better!
Oh! But excitingly, Rebecca beat me this time! She ran well and ran hard and she crossed the finish line a few minutes before me. Normally, this would be a massive blow to my ego, but for some reason, I’m OK with it today and am very pleased for Rebecca. (See, I must still be ill because these are not things that I would say under typical circumstances!)
And, since you’ve made it this far, here are our unofficial finish times: Rebecca: 1:04:51; Me: 1:07:10.
You can check out my running gallery to see photos of the shirt and me in my running gear. And that’s also where you’ll find official race times when they’re posted.
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I’m so pleased you mentioned that I beat you, or otherwise I would have to. And in case anyone thinks I’m being cruel, let’s face it, it’s the only time I’m going to beat her, so I’m just going to make the most of it…
Frances, I whooped your ass!!!!
(but you’re amazing for having run in the first place given how ill you were last weekend. Respect, deep respect!)
I don’t know, there’s no reason to think you won’t beat me again. Especially if I don’t actually get out and start training! (Which I really do need to do!)
Here’s hoping our next race is a bit warmer!