Boxes from home
I’ve written in the past about foods I miss from the Homeland, and I’ve shared tales of the amazing boxes I’ve received from family and friends back home. And, well, it’s time to tell those tales again! Only this time, the boxes have really stacked up! But I want to make sure that I’m sharing the joy because I want to make sure that everyone knows how very much I appreciate their kindness.
First up is a box from my baby sister, Royann. It’s not the first one she’s sent, and I guess that it won’t be the last. I know that she doesn’t have a ridiculous amount of spare cash, and that makes me appreciate her generosity that much more.
Plus, it’s kind of cool that her boys always send little notes along in the parcels!
So, from Royann I got:
- A bag of Tootsie Pops
- A box of Better Cheddars
- A box of Chicken in a Biskit (I talked about them here.)
- A pack of Fig Newtons
- Two tins of cinnamon Altoids
- A photo card with notes from my nephews
Next was a box from my parents. They are great at sending parcels out every so often and I’m always surprised at the extra little somethings that are included. From news clippings to old cocktail sticks, there is always an extra little something to make me smile!

The folks are also really good at including goodies for my amazingly awesome friend, Rebecca.
The latest box from them included:
- Four mini bags of Pop Secret popcorn
- A large box of Mike & Ikes (for Rebecca)
- Raspberry Jell-o (for Rhubarb upside down cake, which I’ll tell you about after I make it)
- Two packs of Apple Cider mix
- A pack of Pad Thai sauce
- Lipton Onion Soup Mix
- A handful of Black Cows
- A couple of handfuls of Almond Roca and Cashew Roca
- A bag of huckleberry saltwater taffy
- A fun olive-themed newspaper clipping
And lastly, a large box from my friends, Sarah and Martin. This one is extremely special to me because these are a couple of my “virtual” friends and they were very insistent about sending me goodies from home and wouldn’t take no for an answer. It just warms my heart that people I’ve never met “in real life” want to do nice things for me.

Even more is that they sent way, way, way more stuff than I expected. (Well, I didn’t expect anything, let alone as much as they sent!)
What did they send? Well:
- Two cans of Easy Cheese
- A box of saltines
- A bag of Sour Patch Kids
- A bag of Tootsie Rolls
- A bag of Starbursts
- A bag of Swedish Fish
- A bag of Smarties
- A bag of saltwater taffy
- A bag of Twizzlers
- A pack of Chiclets
- A roll of Necco Wafers
- A pack of Crybabies
- Three candy sticks
And let’s not forget a box of goodies my Uncle Fred and Aunt Becky sent (with Root Beer lollies!) and a parcel sent by my friend, Ramona, a few months back. (No photos of those, sorry.)
Yes, I am loved. And, yes, I need to get to the post office at the weekend to send some love off to others!
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Another box is on the way…it’s small, but I think you’ll enjoy the contents.
Yay! I’m looking forward to it! I will be shipping one off your way on Saturday, too. Be sure to look out for it because it will have some chocolate for V and K and I don’t want them to melt in the hot sun!