Dissertation month update; Part 1
Just a quick dissertation update for you today, since I did promise that this would be Dissertation Month.
First, a look at the tasks I had set for yesterday:
I am pleased to say that the first task was a complete success and that I got all of my email responses sorted. (Now I just need to make sense of them all!)
The second task, expanding the methodology section, was also a success. I had a goal to finish that section today and I think I did. But I feel it’s inadequate after looking at a couple of sample dissertations. You see, mine is only 844 words and the samples I’ve seen are 1,000-1,300 words. But, sometimes less is more. And I can always review and expand later if needed. So, I guess, for now, I can say that section is done. (Yay! That’s a mini-goal reached!)
And the last task, well, I made it halfway. It just happened to be raining yesterday – all day long! – and that meant that about two miles were all I could manage. But I managed, so that’s cool. And I’ve added a new routine to my training. It’s the push-sit plan and I am just trying to make it a habit right now so it means 10 sit-ups and 10 push-ups before I go to bed at night and again when I wake up in the morning. Once it becomes a habit, I will start increasing the number of each. (Must get fit for this marathon!)
Anyhow, I also spent much of today transcribing the last of my interviews (my longest one by far!) and have even had a couple of great moments of inspiration that led me to add to the skeleton of my dissertation. OK, nothing more than sub-headers, but it’s all part of the process.
So, where am I now?
Current word count: 2,843 (only 9,157 to go!)
Yes, I know that’s not much of an increase for two days’ work, but I completely re-worked a couple of sections so the words that are there are better words. And that’s important.
Tomorrow’s task list:
- Complete the last interview transcription
- Expand literature review section
- Create a library list for a Thursday trip to the university library
- Run 4+ miles (let’s hope the weather cooperates!)
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Four on the Fourth!
Yes, I was thinking about that! Also thinking that if I run further, I can treat myself to an American feast of burgers and fries for dinner. You know, in the spirit of the day and all…