Family, friends, and falls
Wow! What a busy week I’ve had. And – would you believe it from the title? – it was filled with family, friends, and (water)falls. For those who are following my Homeland Holidays, this update is for you!
My journey began on Friday morning as I made my way to Olympia, Washington, to visit my Ant Elizabeth and my cousin Dylan. We had a later night than intended because Ant Elizabeth and I stayed up chatting, but we still managed to make it to the Y for an early start on Saturday.
After the Y, the three of us went to the Olympia Farmers’ Market then did some shopping at Trader Joe’s before heading home for dinner, a movie, and more chit-chat. It was another late night, but it was so wonderful chatting that I didn’t mind!
On Sunday, I got a bit later of a start than intended (more chatting!) but I made it to Uncle Fred and Aunt Becky’s in Portland, Oregon, by late morning for – you guessed it! – more chatting before lunch. (Lunch saw me ticking another Reuben sandwich off of my food list, too!)
In the evening, there was even more chatting – and a wee perusal of the family tree – before we taste-tested some German whisky. I was sceptical, but I was pleasantly pleased with the warming liquid.
On Monday, Aunt Becky went to work leaving me and Uncle Fred to chat and tour Portland a bit. We had a bit of a late-and-lazy breakfast before finally making it out to the Pittock Mansion and the light bulb store. (Yes! An entire store dedicated to light bulbs. It was wonderful!)
Then, after dinner with my aunt and uncle, I finally made my way to my best friend’s house where we had just enough time for a quick chat before it was time for bed.
Let’s see, that brings us to Tuesday. With Rachel and my Godson off to work and school, I took the opportunity to sleep in, then to catch up on reading for the day. Then it was on to McMenamins’ Kennedy School for dinner before heading back to Rachel’s for even more chatting.
Wednesday saw me sleeping in again – followed by more reading before dinner out with Rachel and her friend. And then, back to Rachel’s for more chatting.
Which brings us to today and my drive home from Portland to my folks’ place. Of course, I had to start the day by having coffee with Rachel’s stepdad then I had to stop for lunch with my sister Celeste. And then I had to stop at the Snoqualmie Falls to see how the water was flowing.
And when I was there, I noticed they re-did some of the walkways, which has inspired a bit of poetry. So, that means I’ll be posting again later this evening. (Two posts today to make up for the lack of posts this past week!)
So, that’s what I’ve been up to. Yay!

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It was great having you here and visiting so much. I hope we can spend some more time together before you leave.
I will see you at the Walk for PKD at the very least – but hopefully more than just that. I realised when I got home that I didn’t get pictures of anyone I visited other than my Godson, so we’ll need to sort that out, too! x