Fun with maths
[Please note that the “S” at the end of maths was intentional, and not an error. It’s part of my attempt to use that funny British English stuff since that’s (almost) home. However, I’m not quite ready to add the “S” to words such as toward, forward, and backward. One day, I will completely acclimatise myself to the extra and replacement “S”s though. I think. But now onto the story.]
Once again, I’ve had a couple of great, fun-filled days. And much of the fun has included numbers.
Like: 3+9=Golftastic!
Three friends came to visit yesterday and we were allowed to play nine holes of golf at Rope Rider. The course isn’t open to the public for another three weeks, so it was a rare treat. It was also quite interesting to play since the course isn’t marked so we didn’t know where the tee-boxes were or what par was on each hole. Additionally, we didn’t have a course map and the pins weren’t out on the greens so we didn’t actually know where to aim! But we all had a great time and the course was absolutely amazing!
So this morning I woke up bright and early (like, 6 a.m.!) for a 12-mile training run (12+1). I’ve been feeling a bit lazy with my running the last few days, so wasn’t about to bail on it! Thankfully, my Dad woke up early, too, so that he could ride along with me on his trike (that’s the 3+1 part if you wondered).
After cooling down from my run, I grabbed two nieces (Cassandra, 13; and Ivanna, 13) and a nephew (Parker, 14) for a quick trip to Yakima. We loaded into my car and turned up the tunes (500 Miles by The Proclaimers was the first song request) then just sang and laughed on our way to ‘the big city’ (population 91,000 that’s big to us!). Our first stop was Target for some new running tops, then it was on to Miner’s for burgers and fries. After an enjoyable lunch, we stopped off at the art supply and book stores before making the return drive to the homeland. It was really fun to be out with the girls, and I especially loved chatting with Ivanna about her dreams of being a tattoo artist when she grows up. (I doubt her mom enjoys hearing that career choice!)
36+Colours+Tin Case=Drawtastic!
Of course, I also managed to invest in some future fun! Yep, when we went to the art supply store, I noticed that they had a 50 percent off sale on premium coloured pencil sets. And since I have been frustrated with my $5 cheap-and-cheerful set intended for elementary students, I broke down and purchased a set of Prismacolor pencils. There are just 36 in the set, compared to 72 in the cheap set, but they are meant to be much better and come in a handy tin for carrying with me. And since we all know that I find joy (and therapy) in drawing swirls, it just seemed like $30 well spent!
And since we’re talking about maths, here are some more figures for you:
- 7: Number of sleeps left until my flight
- 39: Number of sleeps left until the first day of classes
- 59: Number of sleeps left until I run/walk the Loch Ness Marathon
(Not bad for a woman who hates maths, huh?)
[That’s a photo of today’s burgers. Yum, huh?]
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i love most of those numbers apart from the 59 to the marathon one. But at least we’ve got the logistics sorted out!!
I didn’t realize that 3 of your sisters were prego at the same time, must have been exciting for your mom!
Yes, and another time two were pregnant at the same time–and their kids were born 4 days apart!!