Catching up
I can’t believe that it’s been more than a week since I last blogged. I’m not exactly off to the best start this year, am I? So, this post will serve as a quick catch up for everyone – including me!
As I mentioned in my last post, I made a trip down to England to visit my in-laws last week; though I actually made the trip a day later than planned because of heavy winds that closed the road. But I made it and enjoyed two nights at my sister-in-law, Ann’s, house in Wakefield. In fact, my brother-in-law, John, made the trip up from Telford for the second night, which was a nice bonus to family time!
On Friday, I made my way to Billingham to spend the weekend with my sister-in-law, Liz. That night I participated in her girls’ night out group (I’ve joined them before – what a great group of women!) then the following morning we went to Starbucks where I got to meet my newest great nephew, Salem. Oh! And later that day we made a trip to Seaton Carew for fish and chips. (I know, that’s not surprising.)
Sunday was “going home” day, but not before a nice long lunch with another sister-in-law, Elizabeth, and her daughter, Jack. All the visiting made for a busy week, so by the time they took me to the train station I was ready to go home. But it also made me happy to know that I’m only ever a couple of hours away from a wonderful family. (And there are already plans to see everyone in February for a reunion.)
Anyhow, Rebecca proved once again that she’s a fantastically amazing friend by picking me up at the train station and giving me a lift home that night. It was nice to sit and relax with a cup of tea and a chat before unpacking. (Which I did before I went to bed because I don’t like to leave it until the next day.)
So, yesterday I finally dragged myself out for a run. It was my first run of the year – and my first run in more than two months! But I feel good for having done it. Well, except for the slightly sore leg muscles today!
And that’s my week in review. I have to admit that it’s been a hard week. In fact, it’s been a hard start to the year. I’ve been feeling a bit blah and unmotivated and can’t seem to shake it. To be completely honest, I sometimes wonder if it’s some sort of mild depression, but I don’t feel hopeless or helpless, I just feel blah and unmotivated. And sometimes sad and lonely. However, I’m trying to convince myself that it’s because I’m bored and inactive. I’m on break from school and I don’t have a job which means I don’t have a schedule to keep me busy. I’ve also been sitting in the flat instead of going out running. In part because of the weather, but in part because of the lack of motivation that comes from no schedule.
But, as I like to end on a positive note, I am trying to get re-motivated. The weather is nice (or at least dry) which means I will be able to get a few training runs in this month and I’ve already committed to running a 10K in a week and a half. I also have a couple of small projects to work on for Boxed Cat Media and am already thinking excitedly about school starting back in February. And I’m doing more of my swirl drawings, too. So it’s not all doom and gloom. I will shift this sulky mood soon. I promise!
(Do you like how I snuck the sad bits in at the end, hoping that most people never read that far? But honestly, I am OK. Just a little crazy. But that’s normal for me.)
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Aw, shucks. It was just great to have you back xx
I’m so happy that you got to see John on your trip to visit the Ryan family. Will he be there for the family reunion, too? And, where will the reunion be held this time?
Too much rain and blah-ness can make anyone feel a bit depressed. But that’s what makes the infrequent sunbreaks that much more fantastic.
I was going to say you DO have a job, but you snuck that in there LOL! Also, maybe think of doing a healthy dose of vitamin D this time of year to help get rid of the blahs, I take 10,000 btu (sounds like a lot but only 2 small tablets) it helps keep the “grey away” especially for us non-sun bearing dwellers!