It’s our year, Tiger!
Today is the Lunar New Year, marking the Year of the Tiger. This is an important “zodiac” sign* for me because I was born in the Year of the Tiger and at some point, growing up, I took ownership of my Mum’s tiger (creatively called Tiger).

The last time the Year of the Tiger rolled around was around my 36th birthday – and just a few months after my husband died. It meant that, despite our “plans”, we let the year pass without any fanfare because my heart wasn’t in it. So, we (Tiger and I) decided that this time, we would mark Our Year.
Because I am (still) in America, we’re not celebrating quite the way we would have at home. Instead, we got a simple cake from the grocery store and ordered some Thai food to share with my Daddy, my sister, and her family. (Yes, Chinese would have been preferred, but we figured it would be a long wait for a Chinese delivery on the Chinese New Year). But it was an enjoyable meal and wonderful company – and that means a lot!

Anyhow, Tiger and I are looking forward to celebrating “our” year. Although there will be a shadow cast over our joy because my amazing mother passed away last week. Still, we will do our best to face 2022 like the tigers we are: With confidence, courage, and energy. Because it’s what tigers do. And because it’s what Mum would want us to do.

So, what does a year of confidence, courage, and energy look like?
After consulting with Tiger, I believe it requires a great deal of prioritising my own needs (and Tiger’s, of course). That means I will work a little harder at finding the balance I need between work and life; me and them; rest and activity. I need to work a little harder at making time for the things I need to do (chores) and the things I want to do (fun). And (teaser alert!) it means I need to finally start thinking about buying a house or at least getting a house of my own. (Scary!!) So, really, my intentions for the Year of the Tiger are the same as my intentions for the Year of 2022!
May 2022, the Year of the Tiger, bring you great happiness and prosperity.
* I don’t buy into the “astrology” of zodiac signs – western or otherwise – but I do enjoy the fun side of “labelling” myself as a Tiger and a Picese, as that makes me a tigerfish (or maybe a less exotic catfish).
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