Ready to run
I’m heading to Inverness later today for a fun and exciting weekend of running. And for as much as I’ve been dreading it, I’m kind of starting to look forward to it now. (Although I’m sure I will regret it all come Monday.)
You may not realise it, but my last race was way back in April of last year. Then my May marathon plans were scuppered by a low platelet count and my summer race plans were destroyed by various things including rain. And then I had to miss my third Loch Ness Marathon because I was in America waiting for my new visa.
So, yeah. It’s been a while.
Not only that, but my training has really lagged. Like, a lot. As in I ran that 10K back in April and never ran further than that again until about two weeks ago. And even now, I’ve only managed seven miles.
And that means that Sunday’s Inverness Half Marathon is going to be hell.
But I am stubborn (if you didn’t already know that) so I will finish the race even if I have to do so on my bloody hands and knees.
Oh! And it’s not just Sunday’s race I’m doing. No, I’m also running the Inverness Parkrun tomorrow morning. It’s “only” a wee 5K, but it will be a great way to get back into running in a crowd again.
But I’m ready. Well, at least I’m ready in my heart and soul. But I’m not too sure if my legs and soles are ready. But I guess we’ll find out. And if nothing else, it will be good training for the other half marathons I plan to do this year.
I’m doing both races with my friend, David, who lives near Inverness with his family. So I guess the truth is that the most exciting thing about this weekend is that I get to visit with my awesome friends. Yes, I am looking forward to that most of all!
Stay tuned for a race report and maybe even a photo or two.
(You can see photos and results from my other races here.)
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