So, I made you a mixed tape
About two months ago I wrote about how distraught and heartbroken I was over the apparent loss of my beloved first (and only) mixed tape (CD) that Paul made me shortly before we got married. I was really starting to lose all hope of ever finding it, but then it happened – I found it! Or rather, my father found it.
It seems that it got shuffled away into a bag filled with sympathy cards shortly after my return from my UK holidays a few months after Paul’s death. I vaguely remember the circumstances that lead me to tuck things away in the closet, but I guess I was too filled with grief to have fully remembered what I stashed. (I even found a few unopened bills and letters, but nothing important as I pay my bills online.)
But anyhow, I am now in possession of the CD again and it makes me so very happy – a small bright spot in the otherwise sad and tearful process of packing up the last bits of my home in preparation for my move.
Now, I’m sure that if Paul was alive he’d not want me sharing the playlist and his notes on my blog. But since he’s not here to protest, and since I feel that I really want to share them, here they are for your enjoyment. I’ve included the song title and artist in brackets at the end of each song description so that you can check them out if you’d like.
The story of “So, I made you a mixed tape”
- First of a few melancholy tunes which kind of sum up our situation – the actual lyrics may not be particularly relevant but the “sadness” aspect kind of sums up how it feels to be so far away from you. [Both Sides Now; Joni Mitchell]
- This is just a sharp reminder that we have it easy compared to some people. We know we will see each other again – the people Mary Black sings about are parting forever. [Ellis Island; Mary Black]
- All this being together and leaving each other nonsense that we have to endure seems to centre on airports – at least I know when I’ll be back again! [Leaving on a Jetplane; John Denver]
- The ultimate feeling miserable song! [This is How it Feels to be Lonely; Inspiral Carpets]
- And now a wee reminder of how insignificant it all is in the great scheme of things. Nothing like a bit of Python to lighten the mood. [Galaxy Song; Monty Python]
- Back to the airplane theme again. This song isn’t about airplanes actually, but it is a lovely love song and he does mention he is holding his “ticket tight”. Makes more sense with the next track. [Down the Dip; Aztec Camera]
- Ah! A ticket for an airplane “Lonely days are gone”. [Give Me a Ticket for an Aeroplane; Jefferson Airplane]
- OK, so I didn’t drive, but this song has that sense of “I just can’t wait to see you” about it that I can relate to. [I Drove All Night; Cyndi Lauper]
- And just to shake off the sentimentality before it gets to overbearing, how about a little AC/DC? Also, just in case the nieces are listening, this track might help me in my bid for “Cool Uncle Paul” status. [Let There Be Rock; AC/DC]
- Now, we are always using the analogy of a fairytale for our romance – and here’s a song about a guy who thought love was only true in fairytales. Well, like him, I guess I’m a believer now, too. (Awww, how sweet.) [I’m a Believer; The Monkees]
- This is just a neat little tune – I’m sure we had a conversation about it ages ago. [I Love You Period; Dan Baird]
- And I know this song was mentioned in dispatch recently. [Forever and Ever Amen; Randy Travis]
- Because I thought you were talking about this song! (I put this version on just to remind you what they sound like live. Especially as you had to miss their gig recently.) [Red Cortina (Live); The Saw Doctors]
- And how can I play the Saw Doctors and not think of this track and the fact that next time we hear it played live it will be for our first dance as husband and wife. [I Know I’ve Got Your Love; The Saw Doctors]
- Now the mood moves through melancholy and slushy sentimentality into slightly perky optimism because – not long from now – I’ll be on my way! [I’m On My Way; The Proclaimers]
- A statement of fact surely? [The Best is Yet to Come; Tony Bennett]
- Ah, the song I had to stop myself from humming out loud all the time we were in Venice! [Going to the Chapel; The Chiffons]
- And finally, returning to the air theme again – this time with a more cheerful outlook. [Come Fly With Me; Frank Sinatra]
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Love it.
This is sweet beyond words. No wonder you were devastated at having lost it. I am SO glad you found it again.
Boy, if that kind of romanticism could be bottled, wives everywhere would be so happy. What a treasure, I’m so happy it’s found again!
So happy that this was found. I always knew it would turn up somehow, somewhere.
Awesome and beautiful!