October: The missing month
I’ve thought long and hard about how to handle the month of October for my blog. You know, since I only posted twice before the site went down for essential maintenance.
I thought about writing posts off-line, then adding them to the site when it was back up. But that would mean loads of back-reading for my (small) readership.
I thought about forgetting the month altogether. But that would mean not talking about a few things that happened that I want to include in my digital diary.
I even thought about writing one really, really long post that gave all the details of everything. But that would mean one really, really long post that no one would want to read.
So, instead, you get a bulleted list of some of the highlights from my October:
- My Mum spent most of the month here on holiday. We toured all over the UK (with her having a week without me in England with my in-laws) and really did have an amazing time.
- I ran the Beat Beethoven 5.5K race in Stirling with my friend, Joanne. We both beat the maestro, which was awesome, and it means that I got my October race out of the way for my 2012 Race a Month Challenge.
- I received notification that I not only passed my dissertation with a distinction, but that I passed my entire master’s course with distinction – a rare honour and one that I will blog about separately very soon.
- I managed to secure a two-month extension on my Tier 4 student visa, giving me a bit of breathing room whilst I sort out my Tier 2 work visa. (There is still stress around that topic.)
- I made two major decisions about my future in Scotland: (1) I really do want to research PhD opportunities and (2) I really do want to get a car.
Lots more stuff happened throughout the month, but those are the ones that jump out at me. If I’m completely honest, most of the month was spent in tears though. It was a very stressful month that saw me fearing for my future because of visa issues and concern over how I did on my dissertation. I’m sure that the visa stresses will return with vigour, but at least I’ve learned that I’m a smart cookie.
But for now, here’s October in a nutshell. And as I’m nearly halfway through November, I’ll just concentrate on keeping up with that!
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