2017: The year of doing
Welcome to 2017. This is the year. This is the year that so very many very wonderful things are going to happen. This is the year of greatness. This is the year of doing; of getting things done; of success and joy and everything else wonderful.
Yes, there will be sadness and stress and misery and a whole load of other negative things. Those things happen every year. But much like I decided to look back on 2016 in a positive light, I am deciding to look forward to 2017 with all of the hope that a new year deserves.
This is the year that I will receive my PhD.
This is the year that I will focus on my health with a bit of extra dedication.
This is the year that I will get out to explore more.
This is the year that I will laugh more. I will love more. I will focus more. I will be more than I think I can be; I will do more than I think I can do.
Unlike previous years, I will not be setting a running resolution (in part because I need to focus on ankle recovery). Instead, I will just do running. I will just do healthy and happy. I will just do being a better version of myself at every moment I can.
I am looking forward to doing 2017 right. And I am looking forward to allowing myself to be happy and to be successful.
Welcome to my world, 2017. Now, let’s do this thing!
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