My Christmas 2024 holidays start here
I am home for another Christmas holiday in The Homeland and looking forward to merriment, festive foods, and time with family and friends. And, of course, some remote work since I’m not officially on Christmas vacation until next Friday.
This is the fourth Christmas in a row that I’ve made the journey to The Homeland, and I am enjoying the tradition. It’s a nice change from having spent most of the last 16 Christmases alone, although I do acknowledge that I found some enjoyment in the solo Christmas traditions I created for myself.
But given the option between spending Christmas alone or enjoying Christmas with Daddy, I’ll always choose Daddy. So, here I am!

We don’t really have a plan for my visit, but I am sure I will find some projects to keep me busy – in between the days when I am doing work-work or visiting with friends. But mostly, the time I am home will just be spent living life, no matter how uneventful it might be at times.
Of course, we’ve already started to talk about some potential geocache finds and maybe even another Washington state ghost town, if the weather allows for safe travel. Stay tuned!
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