No more teachers; lots more books
Today was my last day of classes. And that means no more teachers. No more admissions-determined schedules. No more sitting through lectures and seminars. No more compulsory interaction with other students. Wow. It seems like only yesterday I was telling you about my first few days. Time, it seems, has flown by.
Though just because classes are over doesn’t mean the work is! No, I have four essays due between now and next Monday, and I still have that dissertation to work on over the summer. And that means that the library will be my stomping grounds for the next couple of months!
But do you know something? I’m really sad about classes being done. I’m really sad that another chapter of this new life is coming to an end. But worse than that – and what’s really making me sad—is that I don’t know what happens next.
I haven’t had luck in finding a way to pay for PhD studies, so have resigned myself to the knowledge that this degree is as far as my academic world will go. And I haven’t had any luck in finding a job – or even getting to the interview stage! – so I am starting to worry that this degree is also as far as my life in Scotland will go.
And that means that I am once again facing a future that is unknown and frightening. I’m facing the ever-increasing realisation that I can’t have the life I want; that I might have to start all over yet again. Only I don’t know if I have the strength to make another start.
I’ve not completely given up and will continue to look at both PhD and work possibilities here in the UK, but I have to start making contingency plans now, too. Whether I want to or not.
But, I still have a bit of work to do before I can put any new plans in action because just because those essays and that dissertation won’t write themselves!
I’m sorry if this post seems a bit sad, but to be honest, I am a bit sad. I never thought that this would be a flawless journey filled with nothing but joy and happiness, but I suppose I had hoped that I would have a bit more clarity about my future by now. And it’s that uncertainty that I am struggling with right now.
And since I like to leave my posts on a high note whenever possible, I’ll say that I am looking forward to meeting up with one of my many cousins in a few days. She’s in the UK on holidays and will be in Edinburgh as part of her travels so we’ll be meeting up. How exciting is that?!
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