I am in The Homeland for my summer holidays. Two weeks of family, friends, and fun. And, hopefully, a bit of nice weather! The big…
I spent last week in Washington, DC for an academic conference. But as luck would have it, I was able to catch up with several friends…
After three wonderful weeks in the Homeland, I am heading home to my Heartland of Scotland. My bags are packed, I’ve checked in at the airport, and…
One of the great things about my American holidays this year has been the reunions. Each of my three weekends has brought another group together, which means…
Today was one of those “once in a lifetime” moments that I hope (and expect!) will happen more than once in my lifetime: A total eclipse…
I always knew how lucky I was to grow up in the beauty of Upper Kittitas County. I loved that I could escape into the woods…
I’m in my Homeland for three weeks and that means I’m ready for some playtime! This is my first visit home since my Daddy’s 70th birthday party and…
After nearly three years, I am finally heading home to America for a holiday. My bags are packed, my tickets are printed, and my excitement levels…
I received my new American passport yesterday. But despite this being my third passport, it will also mark several passport firsts in my life. But…
Today is Independence Day in America; the day we stood up against The Crown to demand self-rule. As a proud American, this is a very important day for me.…
I finally got around to downloading the Geocaching app on my phone, which means I can do a bit of urban geocaching now. It also means that…
The end of a year can only mean one thing: An obligatory end-of-the-year reflections post! At the start of the year, I had grand visions of…
Greetings from America! Are you surprised to read that? Well, you should be since very few people knew about my trip. I mean, even my…
I’m packing my suitcases this evening for another return to Scotland. After two months in the Homeland, it’s a bit hard to say goodbye again. But it…
One of my favourite things about holidays abroad is the opportunity to enjoy new foods. Of course, since my latest holiday abroad was actually to my…
Today is 1 November, which is the amended date for the start of my PhD programme in Scotland. Yet I am still in America. But,…
When it was determined that I would be in America for Halloween this year, I began to think about what I would dress up as.…
Today was spent doing more touristy stuff with Mum and Dad. This time, over the Old and New Blewett Passes with a few stops along the way.…
Yesterday was Homecoming at the Cle Elum Roslyn High School and, as luck would have it, not only was I home for it, but a couple of…
I’ve been here in the Homeland for nearly a month now, but I’m finding it hard to say that I’m “home”. It’s a confusing and unsettled part…