This Thanksgiving I have much to be thankful for. I have amazing parents; five sisters who’ve supplied me with loads and loads of fantastic nieces…
WooHoo! I made a trip to the homeland this weekend to make blagenda with my folks and one of my sisters. Her kids and my…
As a kid, I remember Grandpa Eberle talking about the best way to get rid of a cold: A shot (or two?) of Brandy, a…
Sometimes I want to scream at the top of my lungs. I want to yell. I want to shout. I want to wail about how…
So there I was in line at the British Airways counter at SeaTac. With me were three of my five sisters and their kids and…
Yay! Pickle-making weekend has finally arrived. And just in time, as I was out of pickles. My folks arrived Friday night with freshly-picked cucumbers from…
It’s pickle season. That means that when I come home from work tomorrow the house will be full of people and pickle making supplies. Mmmm……
I’ve been Just Frances + One for a couple of days. It’s scary. It’s weird. It’s scary. It’s fun. And did I mention it’s scary?…
I was born as a homeless transient, living in hotel rooms on the road for the first couple of weeks of my life. Added to…
My aunt received a new(ish) kidney today, courtesy of a very dear friend of the family. (We’ve always said that Jeanne was part of the…
I would like to introduce myself as one who suffers from SUBS syndrome. Well, I guess I don’t really suffer from it, but the people…
Mum and I travelled to England and Scotland to visit some of my family and friends for two weeks in winter 2010 and this is a small…
It was the inaugural “Freeze Your Fanny, Scrabble Showdown, and Burns’ Supper Extravaganza” at the Ryan house! Read the original story here on RyanCentric or go…
I joined a grief support group a couple of weeks ago and have found it oddly comforting, even though I’m the youngest one in the…
I’m taking a holiday in November, and I should be extremely excited about it. I’m going to Scotland, the place where I feel most at…
Typical of so many couples, Paul and I never spoke in specific terms about funerals. We’d chat here-and-there about things, but neither of us ever said…